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Once upon a time…
I have always loved stories because they begin with a unique moment, as if time wasboth frozen and full of the promise of eternity.Once upon a time, there was Namaka… Goddess of the water and the sea in Hawaiian mythology, a symbol for a float center that invites us, through this sensation of weightlessness, to reach our own depths.
Imagine a storm on the open sea. The waves are breaking and all navigation becomes perilous. Just a few meters below the surface of the water, there is no swell, everything is calm and silent. It is the same with our own Being, facing our own weather, emotional turbulence and hectic lifestyle. There is a time to face the vagaries of the weather by bravely holding the helm and a time to find calm and inner security without making waves.
Floating with epsom salt is a kind of parenthesis out of time despite the bad weather, in which there is nothing to do and everything to “be”. To be present in the heart of oneself, to let the body “do”, to let it absorb, like a sponge, all the benefits of magnesium… this is the clearest invitation of Namaka’s baths! It always tells us a story about ourselves and we are free, at our own pace, to understand its’ meaning.
What is our relationship with our body in this pool? What message does it whisper to us, in its greatest vulnerability, naked, facing the silence and darkness of this experience? What light does it offer us, to be drawn from the heart of ourselves our own answers when the body shows us pain, fatigue and lack of vitality? How can we approach our existence differently, prioritising our well-being and wanting to find our full potential?
The magic of water… a carrier of quantum information since the dawn of time. Let’s take a trip back in time…
It is December 3, 2020 and I am floating for the first time in my life, surrounded bysmooth little lights, with the singing of the whales and then in complete darkness.Everything flows through me. All my emotions surface, even the most abysmal ones. I feel as if I am in the middle of nothing and everything at the same time, as if I am in my own entrails and in the entrails of the universe, as if I am in a cocoon, alone with myself in pure abandon, while feeling connected to my mother and the world as a whole. I cry all the tears of my body, naked as a worm, in this original state, because I have broken the shell…
I wonder under this hot shower that dissolves all the salt that has crystallized on my body.
At this precise moment, I understand that I have indeed come to the end of an enclosing functioning towards myself and others, in my own restrictions.
This other part of me is definitively no more, I see it slowly leaving with the water of thisvessel which empties itself… This vessel in the shape of an egg, a whole symbol in my eyes.
Is it being happy which brings you to being yourself? Is it aligning your thoughts with your actions? Is it finding our own resources and not the excuses that prevent us from grasping them? Is it being honest with ourselves? Is it courageously looking at one’s own shadows to shed light on what needs to be finally seen? Is it sorting out, is it saying thank you, is it saying I love you, is it saying sorry, is it saying goodbye? Yes… it’s all that… and nothing can be the same as before.
Things change, life passes and there comes a precise moment, in the nothingness and in the fullness, when we realize that it is THE moment to take care of ourselves.
I was born again on December 3, 2020 at 6:45 pm (the same time as the first time 38 years earlier). And a few months later, I went from being a client to a float coach at Namaka’s service.
The goddess had given me an appointment and today I’m taking yours… Once upon a time, water was magic…It fluidifies thoughts, it sets the body in motion, it reconnects us to life and brings us together, in this urban oasis, which brings out the most abundant resources in us!We look forward to seeing you there!
Céline Hoareau